Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Major Scale (Advance)

Have you read The Major Scale (Basic) ? if not, i recommend to read it first.

So now you know how major scale formed, and now how to play it on guitar?
To know every note you play on guitar is a must, but of course it will take very long time.
There is a trick to play major scale without knowing what note you played, the trick is using major scale pattern. There are 5 pattern.

Let's see, if want to play C Major Scale,

The Major Scale (Basic)

Hello there fellow guitarist!

Now we're going to learn about Major Scale,
What is major scale?
well you can say Major scale or Ionian scale is serial of notes with a specific sequences of interval between notes. The sequence of interval are :

  • whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half   >> W W H W W W H
confused? okay lets take this slowly.
lets take an example, let just say we are going to play C Major Scale, that mean we are going take C as root or the first note. so the scales are :
  • C (W) D (W) E (H) F (W) G (W) A (W) B (H) C
in guitar fret Whole mean two step and Half is one step. let's take a look :